Secure e-mail service – wins product test came out on top in a comparison of e-mail services published in Germany’s leading consumer advice magazine: Stiftung Warentest. ranked first in the category ‘privacy and data protection’ and received high grades for usability and functionality.
“Stiftung Warentest” is a publicly funded, not-for-profit consumer advice organisation in Germany that conducts independent scientific tests of products of everyday life, thus supporting consumers by providing impartial and objective information. Stiftung Warentest is considered a trusted service with a positive image and valued for the guidance provided on purchasing decisions by millions of its online and offline magazine readers.
In its most recent publication (‘Test 10/2016’), Stiftung Warentest evaluated several national and international e-mail providers, considering aspects such as functionality and usability, and especially data security and privacy features.
The result of the test was no surprise to us: achieved top grades in all categories evaluated and dominated big players like Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. In particular, the easy-to-use encryption options for users and the general approach taken to data security and minimization were highlighted. In times of digital surveillance and shoulder-surfing, it should be highly appreciated that Stiftung Warentest has emphasized the importance of these issues in e-mail communication.
I would like to thank the entire team at and all of our external security experts who continually support us in setting new standards when it comes to the effective use of encryption mechanisms. I also want to thank all our customers for their trust and continued support.
Yours Sincerely,
Peer Heinlein