Your secure e-mail inbox
We offer a secure and reliable e-mail inbox for private and business use. With the best possible spam and virus protection and in accordance with German data protection law. We have been operating e-mail services for over 30 years - as a long-standing provider with substance. Technically excellent and personally committed. We have no hidden interests in your data and do everything to ensure that private matters remain private.
Our web-mail client
Whether you use a PC, tablet computer, or smartphone: our web-mail client is easy and comfortable to use with any device. features an inbox interface that uses tabs to organize the content and that can be customized and trained by the user so that e-mails are automatically moved into sub-folders for private, business, social media, or shopping-related messages.
Experience tells us that the use of encryption is only successful if it is both secure and easy to use without hassle. Our web-mail client provides encryption for the sending and receiving of e-mails without requiring the installation of any extra software. Encryption becomes an automatic part of the process - even when you use other devices away from home.
Discussion threads
Push notifications
PGP with web-mail
Spam-/ virus protection
Full-text search
No data loss when you close the browser window
Generate down load links for large attachments
Self-learning tabbed inbox
Encrypted sending - guaranteed
Manage multiple inboxes from a single view
Your online office: everything in one place
At, you get much more than just a secure e-mail inbox: All our price plans include a cloud office suite for editing documents, managing appointments, as well as other common office features such as task lists and an address book - all in one place and available when and wherever you need it.
Store, share, edit your data
Whether it's just for you or an entire team: With the Cloud storage ("Drive"), you can keep all your documents, photos, videos, and music online, synchronize them with different devices, and share them with others. The upload is really simple - just drag & drop a file in your browser window. Use the mobile app to synchronize with your mobile phone and other devices. The mobile OX app makes sure that you can access your data everywhere.
Work together with others
Grant guest access to individual files or entire folders and work jointly with others on documents - live.
Sync & Share
Transmit photos from your mobile phone to the Drive so that nothing will ever get lost. View a gallery with a single click.
Securely encrypted
Better safe than sorry! You can encrypt all files in your cloud storage with your personal PGP key.
Send by e-mail
Files from your Drive can be shared by e-mail. Just insert the download link into your message. This link can be permanent or expire after some time - just as you need.
Multimedia viewer
PDF and office documents can be viewed directly in your browser, and the multimedia viewer will play back music and videos.
Easy appointment scheduling
Choose between "Find dates" and the "classic poll". Both functions help save a lot of time for polls with small and large groups. The following options are also available: Send invitations via link or e-mail, password protection, poll with expiration date, display poll results and customisable URLs.

Real-time collaboration with the multi-user text editor
Work collaboratively in a team and with friends on a shared text document. All changes are immediately visible to all participants and all editors can be distinguished by colour. In addition, you can chat in the document while editing the text. Further functions: RTF, import/export, history, comments and management overview.

Video Conferencing with OpenTalk
We offer our customers secure video conferencing with the open-source solution OpenTalk, a completely newly developed software from our group of companies. In the current introductory phase, all customers in the PREMIUM and STANDARD price plans can try OpenTalk without any limitations. After the introductory phase, the LIGHT plan will also get access to OpenTalk and the available functions will depend on the price plan chosen.
We operate all the servers required for this service ourselves in our own data centres in Germany. This way we can guarantee that your personal data and conversations enjoy the best data protection.
Runs in the browser
Send invites by e-mail
Password protection
Breakout rooms
Share your screen
Built-in text chat & poll
Moderator features
Virtual backgrounds
Encrypted connections
Quick and easy to use
You can access the OpenTalk administration interface via our web portal. Here you can create individual conference rooms with password protection yourself and then invite your participants conveniently by e-mail with an immediately functional invitation link.
To participate, all you need is your browser (we recommend Firefox and Chrome) and no additional software.
Individual price plans for all your needs
Be it a private e-mail inbox for yourself, e-mail for everyone in your family, or serving professional teams of up to 10 people: offers e-mail communication for all purposes. price plans for businesses ->
Our most comprehensive secure e-mail inbox including priority customer support.
per user / month
Our best allrounder: Secure e-mail & many features, with data protection made easy.
per user / month
Our basic package: Secure e-mail, calendar, and address book.
per user / month
Mail storage inclusive
25 GB
10 GB
2 GB
Cloud storage inclusive
50 GB
5 GB
Custom domain names i
Link your own domain names with
only in team accounts i
Only available for team members.
Ad-free, no tracking
Servers exclusively based in Germany
Plan & details
External POP3-accounts retrievable
Disposable e-mail addresses
50 valid for 1 year
25 valid for 90 days
Aliases for your custom domain name
only in team accounts i
Only available for team members: 3 aliases @customdomains
Protection against re-registration i
The time period within which your e-mail address cannot be registered again by anyone after deletion.
At least 2 years
At least 1 year
90 days
Extensible storage capacity
Additional mail storage per 1 GB
Additional cloud storage per 5 GB
Minimum contract period i
The paid-for account balance determines the effective contract period. Only in the LIGHT package are users required to top up at least €12.
1 month
1 month
1 year
Support & service
Priority i
We will normaly respond to queries within 24 hours (business days only).
Regular i
We will normally respond to queries within 48 hours (business days only).
Limited i
We will be able to help with questions about your contract, credit balance, and password reset only.
FAQ database
User forum
E-mail helpdesk
Priority support
Contract-related questions only
Telephone support i
PREMIUM users benefit from a callback service on business days between 9AM and 6PM German time. Coming in summer 2021.
Self-service backup i
We provide backup files for download. Use entirely at your own risk.
Moving service (audriga)
E-mail & calendar & contacts
Web mail client, IMAP, POP3
Calendar, contacts, tasks
Mobile sync
Mobile apps i
E-mail, calendar and contact formats are compatible with standard iOS and Android apps.
Incoming e-mail push notifications
Professional spam and virus protection
Different webmail designs
Security & encryption
TLS check i
Our servers will check if your recipient’s provider supports encrypted e-mail transmission. i
Alias for enforced secure data transmission via SSL/TLS.
Guard: PGP with web mail client
Mailvelope: PGP in the browser
PGP-encrypted Inbox
Dedicated PGP key server (HKPS)
One-time passwords / 2FA
Blocking of unwanted senders
Anonymous payment
Online office & cloud storage
Edit documents online i
Create and edit documents, spreadsheets and presentations online.
Drive – secure cloud storage
Drive app for mobile devices i
The OX Drive app can be used for file synchronisation.
Appointment scheduling i
With Framadate you can easily coordinate appointments and create polls.
Multi-user text editor i
With Etherpad you can collaborate in a web-based text editing tool with several people.
Video conferences & web chat
Video conferences
XMPP web chat
Team account & collaboration
Team accounts with up to 10 users
As member
Share calendars, contacts, and appointments
Share documents
Share cloud storage
Joint or separate billing
Data protection & CDP agreement
No CDP agreement
German data protection standards
GDPR-compliant CDP agreement
Compliant with German BRAO legislation
On request
On request
Digital legacy i
Determine what happens to your data and who gets access to your account when you die.
All prices include VAT, charged at the rate set by the customer’s country of residence.