Spin-out of mailbox.org into a separate limited liability company (GmbH)

Dear mailbox.org customers,
We would like to wish all of you a happy and healthy year 2021!
Since its inception in 2014, mailbox.org has been operated by the Heinlein Support GmbH - a German company that is active in several areas such as IT-Administrator training, Linux consulting for business, as well as server hosting.
mailbox.org has been growing and prospering continuously to become a successful brand and business unit within our company. We needed to make some changes to put our business on a better foundation for the future, and enable us to manage potential risks more efficiently. That is why we decided to spin out some of our business divisions into separate legal entities.
As a result, the divisions "mailbox.org" and "Heinlein Hosting" are now operating under the banner of the company "Heinlein Hosting GmbH", which is 100% subsidiary to its parent "Heinlein Support GmbH", to independently operate our data centres and our provider for "mailbox.org".
The new "Heinlein Hosting GmbH" enters into all existing supplier or service contracts as well as commissioned data processing contracts as part of the legal succession. Please note that invoices issued as of 1 January 2021 will now legally originate from Heinlein Hosting GmbH. Mail addresses, postal addresses and telephone numbers have not changed.
Private customers
As a private customer with an "MBO" invoice number, you continue to pay into our account at the "Sozialbank" as indicated on the invoices.
Business customer
As a business customer, please use the newly established "Postbank" account, as indicated on your invoices. - We kindly ask our business customers to amend their contract, invoice or supplier master data accordingly, if necessary. Thank you for your cooperation - we apologise for any inconvenience this change may cause at your end.
See below the key information about our spin-off company:
Heinlein Hosting GmbH
Schwedter Str. 8/9b, D-10119 Berlin
German tax number 37/337/50030
International sales tax identification number: DE335125423
Commercial register number: HRB 220010 B
Best regards,
Your mailbox.org team