OpenTalk update at new features and improved usability

We are thrilled to announce a new version of OpenTalk. The update brings a range of new features and improvements that increase usability and make video conferencing even smoother. OpenTalk is the video conferencing solution from Launched at the end of 2022 and hosted in our data centres. OpenTalk is a sister company of and is also part of the Heinlein Group.
New features and improvements
Better participant management
Moderators can now change participant names directly from the participant list. This is particularly useful for identifying telephone participants or correcting spelling mistakes. In addition, a new dialogue for recurring meetings has been introduced, which allows precise setting of repeat frequencies and end dates for series meetings. The display of relevant meeting information next to the conference title can now also be selected by the moderator in the dashboard. Participants can be sent to a waiting room and retrieved later, giving moderators more flexibility in meeting control. In addition, microphones can be disabled globally to allow for better control of audio settings in training or discussion sessions, for example.
More user-friendly and accessible
Confirmation windows can now be closed using the Escape key, by clicking outside the window or by clicking the X. When using polls, participants can change their mind before confirming the final choice. The moderator view has been optimised so that polls and votes are fully functional on tablets, and close buttons have been made accessible. Moderators also benefit from comprehensive notifications about whom they have given rights to within the web conference and when.
Further technical improvements to accessibility have also been implemented. These include adjustments to colours, contrast, and keyboard control. Use on mobile devices has also been optimised. This means that users with disabilities can also make optimal use of OpenTalk.
Improved navigation
The display of raised hands is now more reliable and clearer. The navigation bar has been improved, especially on mobile devices, particularly in the Safari browser – missing elements such as the logo and the drop-down menu are now functional again. In addition, the user guidance for keyboard users has been further optimised so that participants with disabilities can also use an improved personal navigation bar.
Achieve more with OpenTalk
Our team combines know-how, passion, and a wealth of experience in the design and operation of secure electronic communication across all brands of the Heinlein Group.
OpenTalk is open source. The source code was published in February 2023. OpenTalk thus creates full transparency for the community and also inspires other developers to work on OpenTalk. Join us: Find out more →
The OpenTalk team has big plans and is looking forward to new members. The backend team programs in Rust, the frontend team in JavaScript/React and Redux. Are you looking for a challenge and want to work on a future-oriented product? Become part of the team: Jobs at OpenTalk →